
Cucumis sativus
Phase: Commercial
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The image is representative of type
Type Dutch
Color Green
Conditions Protected
Resistances CMV, PM

Parthenocarpic dutch cucumber selected for uniformity throughout production cycle. Plants provide great cover, also have a perfect balance between plant to fruit. Variety comes to maturity in the early part of the main season, ensuring growers to be some of the first to market. Fruits are smooth, dark green and measure about 13 inches per. Production is high, and does extremely well in greenhouses, especially glasshouses.

Highlighted Varieties
Quality Control
At Westar, we pay a great deal of attention to detail in order to maintain the highest quality of seeds possible. Our rigorous quality control program ensures that the Westar Variety that is being sold has been inspected meticulously from the moment the production was harvested until the moment it is delivered to the customer.