
Capsicum annuum
Phase: Commercial
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Type Caribe
Color Yellow
Conditions Open Field
Resistances BLS

Excellent choice for the caribe or caloro pepper market based on several factors. This variety is very large in size, and maintains its uniformity across all plants. Color is traditional, creamy yellow and matures to a nice red color if left for the processing market. Growers will be happy with the plant habit, which protects the fruits from sunburn. Nice canopies and leaves cover the fruit. One of our best selections for this segment due to yield and size.

Highlighted Varieties
Quality Control
At Westar, we pay a great deal of attention to detail in order to maintain the highest quality of seeds possible. Our rigorous quality control program ensures that the Westar Variety that is being sold has been inspected meticulously from the moment the production was harvested until the moment it is delivered to the customer.