Common Seedlings Problems & How to Fix Them

Seedlings… The joy and pride of every farmer and gardener. Unfortunately, there are times when your seedlings are not doing as well as they should. Weakness or diseases can spoil your mood and mess up your plans. So, what do you do when you face seedling problems?

Germination Problems

If some (or none) of your seeds germinate in the first place, take into consideration temperature, watering, planting depth and the seeds themselves:

– Some seeds need a cooler place to sprout (like cabbage), while some require a warmer place (like tomatoes). Make sure the surrounding temperature is fitting for the plant, and adjust if needed.
– Take a peek at this guide for some advice on planting depth – it will save you a lot of time trying to figure out how deep you need to plant the seeds for them to germinate.
– Are you keeping the soil moist? Overly moist or rather on the dry side? During germination, seeds need a constant supply of water, but if there is too much your seeds will rot before they can do their magic.
– Finally, how old were the seeds you planted? The older your seeds get, the worse their germination properties. Especially if you haven’t stored them correctly!

When your seedlings make it to this world but leave it soon after that…

The first thing to ask yourself is whether the soil you used wasn’t contaminated with disease. Diseases can be carried with old pots and gardening tools, too. Always disinfect your pots before use and buy sterile soil if needed.

Another reason for seedlings to die is planting density. We know you want to make the most out of every square inch, but some plants just need more elbow room than others to grow healthy.

Remember the water advice from the previous section? It applies here too – if you overwater your seedlings, they will rot. Overwatering can cause yellowing or fading of the leaves (just like sunburn) and it can be the primary problem if you notice mold in the pots. It can also be a reason why your seedlings are not getting big and healthy!

Growth issues

Taking care of your seedlings doesn’t end with a few days of work. They need consistent care – if they don’t receive the necessary nutritional elements from the soil or if they’re not kept at an optimal temperature, their growth will be stunted. If you notice your seedlings are not getting any bigger, you might want to adjust soil nutrients, watering, and temperature. Good ventilation is also needed to prevent diseases and help seedlings grow better, so don’t underestimate it when choosing the spot where you keep your pots and trays.

Leggy seedlings?
Legginess is a widespread issue with seedlings started indoors. Lack of light can lead to plants competing with each other to reach the light source. If it’s a window, make sure you rotate pots a few times a day so that they get equal time in the sun. Artificial lighting is a good option, too. Thinning out the seedlings will also help reduce legginess.

We hope these tips help you grow healthy and robust seedlings! If you have any questions or would like to talk to us about our vegetable seeds varieties, please contact us at

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Sources: Savvy Gardening // The Free Range Life